Who We Are
It is engaged in assay of Gold and Silver in accordance with BIS approved methods of analysis.

While the methods used for silver assay are both gravimetric and potentiometric, we still practice the bottle assay method very efficiently with our skilled and experienced staff. The range of analysis we undertake is from very low level of silver content from 2% above to 99.90% using combination of established methods of silver testing. All the market samples are analyzed in duplicate to an accuracy of +/- 0.05% accuracy in accordance with BIS standard IS 2113. The test reports are issued for conformity of the sample received by the laboratory and returned along with residual sample if in excess of weight that is needed by the laboratory.

Classical Fire Assay method

The gold testing is done by the classical Fire Assay method as per Indian Standard IS 1418. The laboratory is well equipped micro assay balance, very sensitive XRF equipment for preliminary assay, certified reference materials and all other necessary tools and equipment to produce assay reports of a given sample within an accuracy of +/- 0.04% for purity less than 99% gold and +/-0.02% for samples of above 99.00% to 99.90% as per standard norms. The content of gold covered during resting is again from traces to 99.99% using both standard as well as lab developed method.

The assay reports from C J Assayers are considered to be the bench mark for its accuracy and integrity and follow principles of laboratory operations and management as practiced in any ISO/IEC 17025 accredited laboratory (The accreditation is in the process).