Assaying of Gold and Silver

  • Silver Assaying as per relevant Indian Standard – IS 2113 for Silver and Silver Alloys
  • Gold Assaying as pet relevant Indian Standard – IS 1418 for Gold & Gold Alloys

Refining of Gold Scrap

  • Refining of Gold Scrap containing mainly Silver associated Copper and Nickel and Zinc as base metal impurities.
  • Gold Refining by Aquaregia process to ensure that the refined gold is free from any PGMs such as Iridium, Ruthenium, Osmium, Palladium, Platinum, Rhodium and Ruthenium

Bars and Coins Manufacturing

  • Bars and Coins Manufacturing as per customer specific needs from internally refined gold scrap and certified gold bars from reputed and licensed refineries on charge basis.

Assaying and Hallmarking

  • Assaying and Hallmarking of Good and Silver for BIS registered Jewellery manufacturers whole sellers and retailers in accordance with IS 15820 ( Guidelines for Certification of Assaying and Hallmarking ) based on the principles of ISO 17025

Platinum Metal Assaying and Recovery

  • We also provide specialized services of Platinum Metal Assaying and recovery from scrap containing platinum as minor alloy.